
Showing posts with the label FORGIVE SOMEONE


It’s natural to feel bitter or develop a grudge when you are hurt by someone. As bitterness builds inside of you, it’s usually followed by a swarm of other emotions—feelings of anger, resentment and rejection accompanied by a desire for revenge. Toxic emotions don’t change your situation or the person that hurt you. As you let them take over, they do change you, hurting you far more than the other person. And it doesn’t stop there. When bitterness and resentment take control, they can spill over and infect others who aren’t even involved. This is why the Bible refers to bitterness as poison. “Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many” (Hebrews 12:15). If you aren’t careful, it can hurt you and those close to you. Ask yourself: Do you like being around someone who is bitter or angry? The Bible goes a step further and explains why it’s important to forgive, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as we