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Give God the first place in your life.

Luke 23:1-25 Genesis 41 Psalm 32 * We see in our life that how people reject the Lord, ridicule him and say that what life will give us who could not save himself. Like we read in Luke 23:1–25. That people did not accept the Lord Jesus Christ and asked the king to give him the death of anger and we know that in the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ died for our sin and also lived for our righteousness and is alive till today. And those who live in the shadow of God, God always protects and helps them and also gives them success as written in Genesis 41 in the Bible. In bad times like famine, I give God enough food to Joseph and God stays with Yusuf to guide him, due to which even the countries like Egypt who did not fear God were blessed, there was no food in the whole city but in Egypt There was food and Egypt used to buy food for all the cities and Joseph gave authority over the whole of Egypt. * We know that there are good times and bad times in our life, but we should follow and