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Will my life get better if I become a Christian.?

Q: My husband and I have prayed for our son for years. We raised him in a Christian home and led him to the Lord when he was a teenager. After a failed marriage and crashed career, he has left the faith saying that Christianity didn’t deliver the charmed life he expected. Isn’t this just a cop-out? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Any belief system that claims “happy-ever-after endings” on Earth is deceitful. There are many voices claiming that becoming a Christian erases all problems; that it will lead to earthly wealth and success. This is not true. Becoming a believer in Christ is a wonderful new beginning, but it isn’t the end of pain or problems. It is the beginning of facing up to them. Being a Christian involves a lifetime of hard work, dedicated study, and difficult decisions. If we have our eyes upon ourselves, our problems, and our pain, we cannot lift our eyes upward. Living the Christian life is serious business. The majority of difficulties believe