Hebrew Bible Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ (pronounced yeh-shoo-uh)

Note..–please read this blog tell the end.!

May the Today Bible verses help you build a spiritual relationship with God. You read this verse and understand what God is telling you and what God wants from you.

This word is often translated “Joshua” in the Hebrew Old Testament. It’s also the name of Jesus, our Savior! So, wait. If his name is actually Yeshua, why do we call him Jesus? Where did that come from?

Why Do We Call Him Jesus?

Where Yeshua is found in the Hebrew Old Testament, it is translated into English as Joshua. It was a male name in bible times and there are a few different Joshuas or Yeshuas in the bible. When translated from Greek to English in the New Testament, it went through a couple transitions, then became Jesus. 

Jesus’s Hebrew Name, Yeshua, Olive Wood Wall Cross
There are many now that argue that the name Jesus is incorrect and, therefore should not be used but we should be careful not to get sidetracked by this. The area in which Jesus lived was multilingual and he would have been as well. He probably taught and conversed in different languages as necessary. What’s important here, as well as it was in the teachings of Jesus is to make sure the meaning of the word is not lost.

More Than Just a Name

Beyond being a name, the word Yeshua is used throughout the Hebrew scriptures meaning “salvation”. It was derived from the Hebrew word yasha, which means “to deliver” or “to rescue”. There are many well-known examples of where it’s used in the Old Testament but here are a couple of my favorites:

‌“The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation [yeshua]; This is my God, and I will praise Him My father’s God, and I will extol Him.” Exodus 15:2

‌“He only is my rock and my salvation [yeshua], My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.” Psalm 62:2

Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus’s name was the very thing he would do for us? Others with this same name in the bible were also saviors of some type. Joshua led the Israelites during a time of numerous victories while conquering the land of Caanan. Yeshua the High Priest was the first High Priest in the re-built Temple following its destruction by the Babylonians. Isn’t it amazing that this important High Priest, the bridge from the Israelites to God, shares a name with our High Priest (Heb. 4:14) and way to God (John 14:6)? 


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