Loyal to God.

 Luke 22:1–38

Genesis 38

Psalm 30

In the Bible, Luke 22:1–38 How I love how much God loves us and we should love him as much as he (the Lord Jesus Christ).

And also we see how the Lord Jesus Christ says to Peter that you will deny me 3 times this thing happened because Peter said that he was ready to die with him and we see further how Peter got scared and Denied God 3 times but we know that Peter also dies on the cross and the way we saw Peter rejected Jesus Christ at first but later I felt sad and disappointed but God did not left and was always with him and guided him and we see how God did many things and also blessed through Peter.


We see in the bible in Genesis 38 how Joseph was favored by God and God used to give success to all of Joseph's work and Pharaoh was also happy with his work and Pharaoh left all his work even to eat bread. Except, he did not know the condition of his property, he knew that every work is successful in the hands of Yusuf.

And we know that Joseph was handsome and handsome and that's why Pharaoh's wife looked at Joseph and told him to sleep with me, but Joseph said that I was against my God by doing such a wicked thing. Can't sin, but we can see that Joseph loved God and obeyed God.

But we go ahead that Pharaoh's wife did not listen and she tried to force but Joseph left his clothes and ran away.

And we can see that Joseph was very loyal to God, he loved God very much and God used to give him success in all his work and stay with him.

Similarly, we should also love God always.

There will be many turning points in our lives that we will be afraid but we should not reject God like Peter did, but like Joseph, we should accept Him and not sin.


As it is written in the Bible in Psalm 30, when I am in trouble, I will call on God.

Because God is trustworthy and worthy of praise.

He (God) does not get angry with us, no matter how much trouble is there in life, but one day we will definitely get the pleasure of God.

God will help me and have mercy on me when there is trouble like Joseph in my life.

We should be loyal like Joseph and we will see how God will give us success in our work.

We should have faith in God and never reject Him.

God is merciful He (God) loves us, He gives us a chance so that we can walk on His path with true faith in Him.


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