"The portion ordained of God for the portion of the evil man

Based on Job 20.

"Part of the wicked man from God,
And this is God's ordained portion for him."
Job 20:29

God gives victory to the wicked for a moment, and the joy of the ungodly is for a moment - Job 20:5

God has said.
His bones are filled with the strength of youth, but with him he will be buried in the dust. –Job 20:11

The wicked man's wealth which he has swallowed, he will regurgitate it; God will take him out of his belly. –Job 20:15

Great darkness will fall upon the buried wealth of God the wicked man. It shall be consumed by a fire that shall not be kindled by man; And by that whatever is left in his tent will also be consumed.
Job 20:26

The heavens will reveal the iniquity of the wicked man, and the earth will stand against him.
Job 20:27

God has said.
He was never at peace with the lust of the wicked man.
God has said.
A wicked man will not be able to save any of his pleasing things.
God has said.
Nothing remains for a wicked man without his mouth.
God says.
Evil man's well being will never last.
Job 20:20-21


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