We should glorify God in our suffering.

We are not to be ashamed if we suffer for Christ. Rather, Peter instructs us to glorify God instead.

Why? Because the suffering we endure on this earth in our service to Christ pales in comparison to the hope of eternity that awaits us in Heaven. On the other hand, “those who do not obey the gospel of God” must still face eternal judgment.

The passage is summed up in 1 Peter 4:19, which says, “Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.”

We are not promised an easy and carefree life as followers of Jesus. Rather, we are promised that we will experience a “fiery trial;” maybe several trials.

There is a cost to following Jesus, which Peter knew well.

How will you respond when this happens? Will you become angry with God, turning away from Him? Or will you run towards your heavenly Father, finding peace, understanding and—as unlikely as it sounds—rejoicing in the midst of the fire?

We will face pain in this life, especially as followers of Jesus, but the eternal reward far outweighs the momentary sorrows.


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