Accept the Bible's call for honor.

If you are a believer, the Bible calls you to respect your husband (Ephesians 5:33) or your wife (1 Peter 3:7). It does not say that wives should respect perfect husbands, or even righteous husbands. It does not say that husbands should respect agreeable or unusually loving wives.

There are no qualifiers, because biblical respect, in a sense, comes with the rank, not the person. The apostle Paul insulted a man in bold language ("You whitewashed the wall!") but then when he learned he was speaking to a high priest, he apologized: "Brothers, I didn't know that He was the high priest; for it is written, "Do not speak ill of the ruler of your people" (Acts 23:3-5).

Your spouse, because he is your life partner, deserves respect. You may disagree with his decision; You can object to the way things are handled—but according to the Bible, their position calls for you to give them due respect.


  1. Thanks for sharing this with me on Twitter!! Let's not trespass against one another!!


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