The good news. Part-2

1. Acting to God’s standards and sacrificing to make Him happy should be what carries you through the day.

2. God’s happiness is your happiness — it’s a mutual benefit between each other.

3. Always remember that God can guide you through any difficult situation, even when you’re at your lowest.

4. This quote reminds God’s followers to keep loving Him even when they are bountiful and blessed.

5. All of God’s rules and commandments were made specifically to provide happiness to His people and followers.

6. Even if we are suffering, we should be happy that we are in God’s graces.

7. Life is full of ups and downs — moments where we wonder if He has abandoned us. But with His guidance, we can find happiness and make it to His side after death.

8. We shouldn’t run away from the problems that we face in life. We are stronger and happier because of these obstacles.

9. You can find happiness and strength if you stay away from sin and keep a strong faith.


Weekly Bible devotion

Hebrew Bible words in English..!

Give God the first place in your life.

God's help.