The good news part-3

1. No matter what you go through in life or what sins you may have committed in the past, if you look towards God and ask for forgiveness, you will always find happiness.

2. God wants you to be happy and find joy in life’s pleasures, while also doing good and helping others be just as content.

3. By believing God, you can find happiness even in the darkest hours when that emotion feels almost unattainable.

4. At the very heart of being faithful is happiness, joy, goodness, and all the virtues that align with such traits.

5. If you maintain your trust in God and strive to do your best, you will be rewarded in happiness. But if you follow a sinful path instead, God will not grant you such joy.

6. There exists both happiness and sadness, but on the harder days, remember that God has created both emotions to remind you that this too will pass and you will feel joy again.

7. Those who have a good and joyful heart are excellent followers of the Lord.

8. If you feel happy on the inside, your cheerful soul will be reflected on the outside. But if you let sorrow consume your heart, then that joyful soul becomes lost.


Weekly Bible devotion

Hebrew Bible words in English..!

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God's help.