
Billy Graham Answers on Abortion(Bible according) part-3...?

Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3  With varying abortion laws throughout our country, it’s important to note what the Bible says about the issue. Throughout God’s Word, it’s clear that human life is precious to Him. More than ever, we need Biblical answers to questions regarding abortion and the sanctity of life. Billy Graham once said, “I know it’s common today to think of abortion as a simple answer to an inconvenient problem—but it is actually a far more serious issue. Your child isn’t simply a mass of tissue; he or she is a human being in God’s eyes.” Here are a few My Answers from the evangelist. * Q.Our teenage daughter is pregnant. What advice should we give her? A: May you and your daughter carefully and prayerfully consider your options. * Q: Our daughter just told us she's pregnant, and it's really thrown us into a spin. She's barely 16, and to make matters

Billy Graham Answers on Abortion(Bible according) part-2.?

Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3  With varying abortion laws throughout our country, it’s important to note what the Bible says about the issue. Throughout God’s Word, it’s clear that human life is precious to Him. More than ever, we need Biblical answers to questions regarding abortion and the sanctity of life. Billy Graham once said, “I know it’s common today to think of abortion as a simple answer to an inconvenient problem—but it is actually a far more serious issue. Your child isn’t simply a mass of tissue; he or she is a human being in God’s eyes.” Here are a few My Answers from the evangelist. Q: Would it be wrong for me to pray that my girlfriend will be open to getting an abortion? A: You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”—and it’s true, especially in this case. * Q:2. My girlfriend just told me she's pregnant. Would it be wrong for me to pray tha

Billy Graham Answers on Abortion(Bible according) part-1.?

Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3  With varying abortion laws throughout our country, it’s important to note what the Bible says about the issue. Throughout God’s Word, it’s clear that human life is precious to Him. More than ever, we need Biblical answers to questions regarding abortion and the sanctity of life. Billy Graham once said, “I know it’s common today to think of abortion as a simple answer to an inconvenient problem—but it is actually a far more serious issue. Your child isn’t simply a mass of tissue; he or she is a human being in God’s eyes.” Here are a few My Answers from the evangelist. Q: I’m single, pregnant, and don’t know what to do..? A: I know it’s common to think of abortion as a simple answer to an inconvenient problem, but it’s a far more serious issue. * Q.1 I'm single and pregnant and don't know what to do. My boyfriend abandoned me when he found

Spiritual Oxygen: Are You Getting it?

‌“Breathe in…breathe out…. You do it 12-14 times a minute without thinking”, says Stacey W. Breathing is a miracle we don’t stop to think about very much. We just do it. It keeps us alive. In the same amazing way God has given us as Christians a way to “breathe spiritually” for our spiritual well-being. Spiritual breathing, like physical breathing, is a process of exhaling the impure and inhaling the pure. It can become a way of life. But the average Christian does not understand this concept and as a result lives on a spiritual roller coaster, controlling his or her own, life resulting in frustration. On our own we may at times have a fresh start in life only to lose it again – negative thoughts, angry words, slammed doors…… How could this change? It could change by learning and applying the concept of spiritual breathing, which is like physical breathing in that: 1.You “exhale” by confessing your sins as soon as you become aware of it, and claim God’s forgiveness…. And t

What is spiritual pride and how can I detect it in my life?

Spiritual pride is deadly and deceitful because from the outside it appears as a virtue. Jesus illustrated spiritual pride in a parable saying, “Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican” (Luke 18:10). At Jesus’ time, the Pharisees were respected for their piety, while the publicans were regarded as great sinners. In the parable, the “Pharisee stood and prayed thus … God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess,” while the “publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:11–13). After the prayer, the humble publican went home justified and forgiven (Luke 18:14), while the Pharisee who trusted in his good works, did not. To those who recognize and admit their poor spiritual state and rely only on the

Faith can Moving Mountain

Note: - Please read this blog till the end. May today's Bible verse help you build a spiritual relationship with God. You read this verse and understand what God is telling you and what God wants from you Imagine what a different world this would be if we had more faith in God! If we truly put our faith and trust in Him, then there would be no more worrying, fear, or anxiety. Why, it would eliminate stress completely! The Bible tells us in Matthew 17:20, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” There hasn’t been any news flashes of someone moving a mountain, so it’s safe to say, we could all use more faith! Thankfully, God honors even the tiniest amount of faith. And the more we exercise the faith we do have, the more it grows! Sometimes God allows us to go through trials and tribulations to strengthen our faith in Him. You can also increase your faith by st

"The portion ordained of God for the portion of the evil man

Based on Job 20. "Part of the wicked man from God, And this is God's ordained portion for him." Job 20:29 God gives victory to the wicked for a moment, and the joy of the ungodly is for a moment - Job 20:5 God has said. His bones are filled with the strength of youth, but with him he will be buried in the dust. –Job 20:11 The wicked man's wealth which he has swallowed, he will regurgitate it; God will take him out of his belly. –Job 20:15 Great darkness will fall upon the buried wealth of God the wicked man. It shall be consumed by a fire that shall not be kindled by man; And by that whatever is left in his tent will also be consumed. Job 20:26 The heavens will reveal the iniquity of the wicked man, and the earth will stand against him. Job 20:27 God has said. He was never at peace with the lust of the wicked man. God has said. A wicked man will not be able to save any of his pleasing things. God has said. Nothing remains for a wicked man without his mouth