
Showing posts with the label His love gives us Victory

His love gives us Victory

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 Without a doubt, there have been times when you faced difficult moments in your life, and it is during these times that you discovered who truly loves you. These are the times when our enemies openly rise against us, and Evil people wish for our complete destruction. When you go through challenges, that’s when people reveal their true feelings and those who have longed to see you fall use the opportunity to speak against you. David said in Psalm 41:5, "My enemies say of me in malice, 'When will he die and his name perish?'" In all these hardships, it is only because of God's love for you that you made it through.  Sometimes, when you reflect on your life, you realize that it was only God who helped you. And how merciful God is during these times—it’s not even that you were perfect. Perhaps you didn't even know God, but He helped you. Maybe you survived not bec