
Showing posts with the label family

Fearful of fatherhood.?

How can I be a good father? My own father walked out on us when I was about seven, and I have this terrible fear that I'm not going to be a very good father either. How can I prevent this? Have you ever asked yourself why you have this fear? One reason is probably because you didn’t grow up with a father—and as a result, you have no example to follow, and you’re afraid you don’t know what fatherhood is all about. But I can tell from your letter that you want to be a good father—and that’s an important first step! God wants you to be a good father and will help you as you depend on Him. After all, He is our Heavenly Father and is the supreme example of what it means to be a father. Make Christ the center of your life (and the life of your family) and trust Him to help you be the best father you can be. How can you be a good father? Let me suggest four brief guidelines (although we could say much more). First, love your children—and let them know you love them. The Bible