
Showing posts with the label prayer with God

Do Not Be Ashamed to Pray to God

  "Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me." Psalm 50:15 Our God is a loving and merciful God who cares deeply about your heart and what you are going through. Therefore, whenever you are in any distress, do not hesitate to ask God. Don't feel rejected by God because you are in trouble because many people interpret their sufferings as a sign that God has left them. Today's word is an invitation from God. God invites you to ask Him and call upon Him when you are in trouble. These are God's instructions because He loves you very much. Don't feel like you are praying to God against his will; always remember that God is calling you to come to Him so that He can help and free you from your bonds and sufferings. In the book of Isaiah 45:22, God says, "Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other." Here again, God is calling us to look to Him and ask for salvation. When He says,