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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

The Messages of Suffering Suffering carries a message of mystery. The Bible says, “Great is the mystery of godliness” (1 Timothy 3:16, NKJV). We may never know [why tragedies happen] until God explains all things to us. God never meant that there would be tragedy and prejudice, wars and hatred, lust and greed, jealousy and pride. God meant that the earth was to be a paradise, a place where there would be no death. But man and woman rebelled against God. We began to suffer and we have been dying ever since. Physical death is just the death of the body, but the spirit lives on. If your spirit is separated from God for eternity, it will be lost forever. But God has provided a gigantic rescue in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. That’s why Christ died on the cross. That’s why He rose from the dead. >>Experience peace in your heart and hope for tomorrow through Jesus Christ, who alone offers eternal life. In suffering there is also a message of humanitarianism. Jesus said, “I was h