"Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. Psalm 86:4"

When you go through various challenges and difficulties in your life, they can cause you to lose peace and joy, making you a person of sorrow and grief. Sometimes, it is the devil himself who causes you problems that take away your joy.

Everyone has the right to be happy and to have peace, but the main question is, where do you find that happiness? Because the devil's primary goal is to destroy your life and make you live in suffering, the devil cannot give you happiness.

Now, the Psalmist reached a point where he realized that he could only find peace in God. There are many things in this world that can bring you temporary joy, but that joy does not last. But when God comforts you, He is the only one who can give you true peace.

When he says, "Bring joy to your servant's soul, for I lift up my soul to you, Lord," it means that he realized that he couldn't bring himself joy, nor could anything else bring him happiness, so he lifted up his soul to God.

And you, too, if you have this humility and rely on God with all your heart, God, in His faithfulness, will heal your life and remove whatever is troubling you and give you true peace.

When you are in any difficult situation or when something is weighing heavily on your heart, do not hesitate to pray to God. Open your heart in prayer and tell God the truth. In Psalm 86:6-7, he said, "Listen to my prayer, Lord; hear my cries for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me."

So lift your soul to God and surrender yourself to Him; He is faithful and will help and save you. He will make you live a life of happiness and peace all the time.

Prayer: Oh Lord, I lift my soul to you and lay down all the burdens weighing on my heart. I ask you to fight for me and give me your peace. Amen.



Weekly Bible devotion

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